Happy Holidays!
秋天悄然逝去,帶走了金黃色的美麗,留下幾片殘餘的黃葉在樹稍飄搖,寒冷的氣 息漸漸籠罩著大地,寂靜中帶著一絲期待,讓我們感恩豐收富足的日子,期盼白色 聖誕的到來,並迎接新一年的來臨!
九月, 我們從圖書館遷回中心,迅速整理安頓了周圍的環境投入了正常的活動。及 時舉辦了第三季慶生會,與會友共渡中秋佳節。
所有活動都及時的發布在我們長青會的網站上,長青會綱站 gecny.com 由鐘陰南 先生負責,網站內容豐富多彩,更新及時。希望廣大會員把我們的網址作爲遊覽器 的書簽經常瀏覽。
1) 我們將在 11 月 26 日參與 TDYCC 的感恩節慶祝活動,共進午餐。時間從上午 十時開始。費用:全免。當日課程暫停。
2) 12 月 19 日,TDYCC 舉辦慶祝聖誕節午餐會,上午十時開始。我們也參與期 中。各位欲參加者請到吳康平 (Apple) 處登記報名。 費用:全免。
3) 12 月 31 日,本會假座新開張的 UMI 自助火鍋店舉行第四季慶生會並慶祝新 年。
地點:395 Tarrytown Rd. White Plains NY 10607 時間:11:00am – 1:00pm。
費用: 會員 $10.00,壽星 $5.00,老師全免,非會員自費。如有任何變更,將於通告欄通知。
4) 明年 2025 年 1 月 30 日(星期四) 將於 TDYCC 樓下運動場舉辦農歷新年慶祝 活動,當日課程暫停。各班級將準備一個節目慶祝新年。
時間將於十時開始,費 用:會員$5.00 ,老師全免。
5) 我們許多會員參加了餐免費午,為方便統計人數,我們開設了兩個午餐群組, 將固定用餐者拉入群。任何會員如末加入群組的請在用餐前一天通知。
6) 其他有關活動或變動,請大家留意佈告欄,同時請大家不要在佈告欄點贊和發表意見,以保障佈告欄的功效。敬請合作。
在這陽光明媚,百花綻放,洋溢著活力的夏天,我們從 TDYCC 轉到綠堡圖書館,盛暑過 後我們又迎來了秋天,我們即將回到大本營 TDYCC,讓我們一起回顧 2024 年夏季令人 難忘的的美好時光。
五月, 我們參加了幾個鄰近社區的慶祝活動,使更多人認識到長青會。 六月一日我們參加了一年一度的亞裔美國傳統文化節表演,宏揚中華文化的同時也促進了 社群交流。
七月, 我們移師綠堡圖書館繼續活動,我們的課程也獲得許多社區朋友的喜愛與參與
八月, 我們與中心(TDYCC)一起舉辦了曼哈頓遊輪一日遊活動。
以上活動都及時的發布在我們長青會的網站,長青會綱站 gecny.com 由鐘陰南先生負責, 網站内容豐富多彩,更新及時。希望廣大會員把我們的網址作爲游覽器的書簽經常瀏覽。
1)我們將在九月十九日結束圖書館的活動,移師 TDYCC 繼續開展正常活動。
2)在回中心的第一天,即九月十九日(星期四)我們將舉辦第三季度的慶生會,同時慶 祝中秋佳節。各位欲參加者請到吳康平 (Apple)処 登記報名並繳費。
3) 秋季的課程表有所更改,上課時間將提早半小時。盡量保障 11:30-12: 15 的午餐時 間。英語零基礎班合併至英語初級班。張寧老師將於 11:30-12:00 開啓英文自由談時段, 一對一輔導,內容不限,但必須預約。具體請參看附上的課程表。
4)其他有關活動和變動,請大家留意佈告欄,同時請大家不要在佈告欄點贊和發表意 見,以保障佈告欄的功效。敬請合作。
尊敬的長青俱樂部會員們: 在這百花爭艷的季節,我們又一次相會在松竹苑,祝大家像春天一樣充滿活力,欣欣向 榮!
三月七日: 我們舉辦了龍年第一季度的慶生會,會上笑語片片,相互介紹,溫情滿滿。
四月三日: 2024 年書畫展成功舉辦。每幅作品都有其獨特的風格,透露著深深的文化氣 息,深得觀眾喜愛。
以上活動都及時的發佈在我們長青會的網站,長青會綱站 gecny.com 由鐘陰南先生負責, 非常及時反應長青會的各項活動及及通訊。各位可經常瀏覽。
2)由於暑假的關係,TDYCC 將於 06/21/2024 至 09/16/2024 暫停活動
3)我們將於 07/11/2024 轉移到綠堡圖書館繼續我們的課程與活動。
4)圖書館的報名大約於 06/11/2024 開始,請大家留意佈告欄。
5)春夏季旅遊將安排與 TDYCC -齊舉行,這樣我們可以在中心集散,由中心出車來回 碼頭。
具體行程如下: 7 月 18 日星期四從中心出發至 83 號碼頭後上船。巡航時間 2.5 小時,環遊哈德遜河,參 觀紐約的所有景點。 自由女神像有停靠與拍照。 郵輪費用為 45 美元+盒裝午餐 15 美元。 遊輪上還有小吃和全方位服務的飲料吧。此次活動長青會將贊助盒裝午餐 15 美元。 欲參 加之會員請於下星期四前向蘋果登記。若人數少於二十人此次活動取消。
6)Alex 老師請假,五月二日與五月九日的太極課將暫停。 7) 暑假課程表表隨同此郵件發出,供參考。
Dear Evergreen Club members:
In this blooming season of the Dragon year, we meet once again in the our newsletter. welcome to this club activity.
1. Activity in March and April
On March 7: We held a birthday party in the first quarter of the year of the Dragon. At the party, we introduced each other of the new members with pleasure and warmth.
April 3: The 2024 Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition was successfully held. Each work has its own unique style, revealing a deep cultural atmosphere.
The above activities are timely published on our Evergreen Society website "gecny.com" which is in charge of Mr. YN Chung.
This website is timely response to the activities and communications of the Evergreen Club. You can visit it frequently.
Upcoming events:
1) We are planning to hold the second quarter birthday party on June 13th.
2) Due to the summer vacation, TDYCC will suspend activities from 06/21/2024 to 09/16/2024
3) We will move to the Greenburgh Public Library on 07/11/2024 to continue our courses and activities.
4) Registration for the library will start on approximately 06/11/2024, please pay attention to the notice board.
5) The spring and summer tours will be arranged to be held together with TDYCC, so that we can gather at the TDYCC and travel back and forth from the center to pier.
The specific itinerary is as follows:
Depart from the center and board the boat at Pier 83 on Thursday, July 18th. Cruise time is 2.5 hours, circumnavigating the Hudson River and visiting, to see all the sights of New York. Stop and take photos at the Statue of Liberty. Cruise fee is $45 + $15 boxed lunch.
The ship also has snacks and a full-service beverage bar. Evergreen Club will sponsor a $15 boxed lunch for this event. Who want to participate, please register with Apple before next Thursday. If there are less than 20 people, the event will be cancelled.
6) Teacher Alex is on leave. Tai Chi classes on May 2nd and May 9th will be suspended.
7) The summer class schedule is sent with this email for your reference.
感謝各位會員的積極參與,讓今年的新年充滿喜樂!展望將來,我們將繼續推出有益大家交流和身心健康的活動。 有關活動的相片我們精簡後發佈在長青會網站(gecny.com)大家有時間可去逛逛。
Dear friends,
Happy Holidays!
1. Activities
On February 7th, we participated in the Chinese New Year celebration held by the Chinese Association.
On February 13th, we celebrate the Year of the Dragon together at the TDYCC center.
On February 17, we participated in the Year of the Dragon New Year celebration held by the Asia Society of America at the Hudson River Museum.
On February 23, some members attended the retirement party of Beverly, the receptionist at the center.
2. Next activities
Please noted that due to other activities in the TDYCC, all activities of the EGC on March 26 and March 28 will be cancelled.
The First Quarter Birthday Party: Date: 3/7/2024 (Thursday), Location: Dance Room on the Second Floor at TDYCC, Time: 11:30 AM ~ 1:30 PM.
We are going to plan the trip when the weather warms up, probably around April to May, depending on weather conditions.
Best Regards,
Rosalan Cheng
長青會朋友今天參加了 TDYCC 聖誕節慶祝會,有美食,音樂,舞蹈,表演,抽獎助興。 大家度過非常快樂的時光。
下週中心開門,但假期間 TDYCC 取消所有課程. 長青會也暫停所有活動,1/2/24 復課。
以下是 2024 二月長青會活動表。
一。 2/3 紐約威郡華人協會(WACA) 舉辦大型春節聯歡會 2:00-6:00。
二。 2/13 長青會慶祝中國新年, 10:30 am-1:30 pm, 地點在 TDYCC 一樓大廳.
請會友們提供春聯和有關龍年繪畫,剪紙創作。餐費:會員$5,非會員$8。 有意參加者請與吳康萍登記。
三。 2/17 哈德遜博物館慶祝新年活動。 長青會民族舞蹈班和排舞班將參加表 演。
四。 2/19-2/23 因 Greenburgh 學校放冬假/ 春假,camp 學生要用教室, 長青會 活动暫停.
一年將盡,我在此代表長青會委員會委員們感謝朋友們兩年來的愛護和支持。新的 團隊將於一月一日上任,將繼續守護長青會為豐富會員們的福祉努力。
馬宏棣 謹啟
Dear friends,
Happy Holidays!
Today, Evergreen Club members participated in the TDYCC Christmas celebration. There was delicious food, music, dance, performances, and raffle drawings. Everyone had a wonderful time.
Next week the center will be open, but all classes at TDYCC will be canceled. The Evergreen Club is also suspending all activities. Classes will resume on January 2nd, 2024.
The following is the February 2024 schedule for the Evergreen Club:
1. 2/3 - The Westchester Association of Chinese Americans will host a grand Chinese New Year Celebration from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm at The Performance Arts Center at SUNY Purchase.
2. 2/13 - The Evergreen Club will celebrate Chinese New Year from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Please bring couplets (春聯) and artwork related to the Year of the Dragon for display. Meal cost: Members $5, Non-members $8. For those interested in attending, please register with Kangping Wu.
3. 2/17 - The Hudson Museum will host a New Year celebration event. The Folk Dance and Line Dance classes from the Evergreen Club will participate in the performances.
4. From 2/19 to 2/23, due to the winter/spring break at Greenburgh Schools, the classrooms will be used for camp students, so activities of the Evergreen Club will temporarily be suspended.
As the year draws to a close, on behalf of the members of the Evergreen Club committee, I want to express our gratitude to our friends for their support and cooperation over the past two years. A new team will take office on January 1st. They will continue to work towards enriching the welfare of the Evergreen Club members.
Best Regards,
Kathy Liu
1)12/7 (週四) 為十、十一、 十二月壽星舉辦生日慶祝會. 會後將供應中 式午餐。餐費:會員$5,非會員$8,壽星免費 。欲參加者請和吳康萍登 記。當日 12:00-2:00 課取消。
2)12/21 (週四)長青會參加 TDYCC 聖誕節慶祝會 10:30am - 1:00pm,餐 費三元。欲參加者請和吳康萍登記。當日 11:00-2:00 課取消。
3)TDYCC 舉辦六天五夜旅遊 (Myrtle Beach Show Trip)4/15-20。欲 參加者請和履西聯絡。
• 豪華巴士
• 包八餐(五早餐,三晚餐)
• 三場表演
• 參觀 L.W. Paul Living History 農場。
長青會委員會 謹啟
Dear friends,
1) 12/7 (Thursday), a birthday celebration will be held for those born in October, November, and December. Chinese lunch will be provided after the event. Fees: $5 for members, $8 for non-members, and the birthday person attends for free. Please register with Apple. Classes from 12:00 to 2:00 on that day are canceled.
2) 12/21 (Thursday), the Evergreen Club will participate in TDYCC's Christmas celebration from 10:30am to 1:00pm, with a meal costing $3. Please register with Apple if you want to join. Classes from 11:00 to 2:00 on that day are canceled.
3) TDYCC is organizing a six-day-five-night trip (Myrtle Beach Show Trip) from 4/15 to 4/20. Those interested, please contact Rosalan Cheng. • Luxury bus • Includes eight meals (five breakfasts, three dinners) • Three performances • Visit to L.W. Paul Living History Farm
Time flies, and the year is coming to an end. Wishing all friends and their families happiness and peace.
Best regards,
Evergreen Club Committee